Case Study Booch Organic Kombucha

Case Studies:

Booch Organic Kombucha

Booch Organic Kombucha is a brewery based in London, Ontario makes traditional healing kombucha with a mix of 100% organic whole fruits, roots, flowers, herbs, barks, and seasonal wild-crafted ingredients. Standard rewards members earn 5% cash back rewards and Booch Crew members selectively upgraded by management earn 30% cash back rewards on all sales.

Birthday Club Promotion

Customers receive 1 free 500 ml of booch that expires in 2 weeks.

Booch averages a 40.58% redemption rate resulting in $1,485.62 in average monthly sales from their birthday promotion.

Refer a Friend Activity

Rewards members receive 500 ml of booch for referring friends who sign up. An average of 4.8 new friends per month join resulting in $154.09 in monthly sales from members redeeming their bonus.

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